2024 – Genjo Koan: The Koan of Everyday Life
The Genjokoan is often considered the pivotal text of the Soto Zen tradition. It can serve as a key to all of Dogen's other teachings. It was composed nearly 800 years ago (in 1233) yet it has a timeless quality and is surprisingly relevant to our lives as practitioners today.
The text was originally written for a lay practitioner, for an ‘Everyday Bodhisattva’ like us. However, it is difficult to understand. It uses both poetic and philosophical language to point to the most fundamental aspects of our lived lives.
Genjo means ‘to complete what appears’ and koan can be understood as the ‘simultaneity of the particular and the field’ or the ‘undividedness of uniqueness and universality.’ At the heart of our existence is a seeming paradox that Dogen encourages us not just to understand but to express and live out in every facet, every relationship, every action of our daily lives.
How can we express our uniqueness in each action in such a way that it serves the community of all beings?
The 2024 Practice Period is now available as a self-paced course.