In-person or Online Participation
January 20-April 13, 2024
The 3-month Everyday Zen Practice Period is an opportunity to come together with other Sangha members and deepen your practice with an individually designed schedule supported by a variety of Dharma teachings and peer-to-peer Sangha dialogue. (The 3-month timeframe reaches all the way back to the rainy season retreats during the historical Buddha’s time.)
The 2024 Practice Period is led by Zenki Roshi, BZC’s Guiding Teacher, and members of the Practice Council. This year’s emphasis is on the study of the Genjo Koan, Dogen’s seminal essay on the "Koan of Everyday Life."
As a participant, you design and commit to a schedule that works within your daily life based on a minimum participation requirement as spelled out below. Click here for guidance and ideas on how to invigorate and expand your daily practice.
The pricing includes your participation in the Weekend Seminar, in addition to all of the following events, except for the Weekend Sitting and Sesshin. The sliding scale is designed to allow you to choose your price point based on how much you plan to participate as well in accord with your finances.
Available Intensives
(1) Dharma Talk and Q&A (Saturday AM): February 3 | February 17 | March 2 | March 16
(2) Half-Day Zazen (Sunday AM): February 4 | February 18 | March 3 | March 17
All participants have access to a sliding scale. The price includes the required Weekend Seminar, Dokusan, and all other offerings except for the January Weekend Sitting and April Sesshin. For the latter, a separate registration is required.
Please support Zenki Roshi's teaching and the Boulder Zen Center in accord
with your finances and how much you plan to participate in the offered events.
Benefactor Members: no additional payment required
Members: $500, $400, $300, $200
Non-Members: $500, $450, $350, $300
We want everyone to have access to these teachings
in accord with their financial situation.
Scholarships available. Please inquire.
Click the button below to design your Practice Period schedule and make individual commitments.
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